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Industry News

Identify whether the ziplock bag is poisonous

Source: Time:2019-02-28 18:12:55 views:

Ziplock bags, also known as sealed plastic bags, often appear in our daily lives and are used in various applications such as food, clothing and electronic products. But as we all know, ziplock bags are divided into toxic and non-toxic. How should we identify them?
Ziplock bags, also known as sealed plastic bags, often appear in our daily lives and are used in various applications such as food, clothing and electronic products. But as we all know, ziplock bags are divided into toxic and non-toxic. How should we identify them?
Non-toxic ziplock bags made of polyethylene, polypropylene and melamine can be used to hold food; toxic ziplock bags, made of vinyl chloride, can only be used for general packaging. If packaged with food, there is a risk of poisoning.
Put the plastic bag in the water and press it to the bottom. Wait a minute, the non-toxic ziplock bag will float out of the water, and the toxic plastic bag will sink into the water.
The surface of the plastic bag touched by hand is very soft and non-toxic. If the colors are mixed, it is sticky and sticky, which is toxic.
When shaking the plastic bag by hand, the sound is very clear. It is a non-toxic plastic bag. If the sound is boring or silent, it is a toxic plastic bag.
Burning: Cut the plastic bag into corners, put it on the fire, burn, non-toxic burning, continue burning after leaving, a yellow flame will appear, the melt will fall like a candle. The smell of paraffin; it is poisonous and not easy to burn. It is called green after burning and has a nose.
Odor: Irritating and irritating and other odors, mostly toxic, or they may be excessive plasticizers or other additives, and the quality is poor.

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